Informatik und Informationswissenschaft | Physik

Geometry in Complexity and Computations

21. - 23. September 2022




The conference is planned as a follow-up event to the Simons Institute program Algorithms and Complexity in Algebraic Geometry. The program successfully increased the exchange and collaboration between algebraic geometers and computer scientists. On the one hand, advances in computer science have spawned the field of computational algebraic geometry, which has led to the development and implementation of new algorithms solving complex problems in nonlinear algebra. On the other hand, algebraic methods have been used to prove results in the theory of complexity, naturally a branch of computer science, but now taking up concepts from algebraic geometry. Both perspectives are positioned within the framework where researchers from both fields, algebraic geometry and computer science, study the geometry of problems in complexity and computations.

Auszug aus dem Programm (Vortrag von Avi Widgerson):

"Permanent & Determinant: non-identical twins: The Determinant is undoubtedly the most important polynomial function in mathematics. Its lesser known sibling, the Permanent, plays very important roles in enumerative combinatorics, statistical and quantum physics, and the theory of computation. In this lecture I plan to survey some of the many remarkable properties of the permanent, its applications and impact on fundamental computational problems, its similarities to and apparent differences from the determinant, and how these relate to the P vs. NP prolem. This lecture is intended to a general Math & CS audience.“