Projects (Department of Computer Science and Information Science)

Title Institution Period
Künstliche Intelligenz - Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft einer Verheißung AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2019
Ausstellung "Mainau - Thema Afrika - Vogelvisualisierung" AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
AG Schreiber (Computational Life Sciences)
since 31.12.2018
Lehrprojekt Blended Museum, Badisches Landesmuseum AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.08.2017
Semantically-aware Literature Recommender (SemAware Lit rec) AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.06.2018
ERTRAG AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.11.2019
SFB TRR 161 TP C 01 Quantitative Messung von Interaktion AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.06.2019
SMARTACT Teilprojekt 6: Smartmobility / SMARTACT 2 Teilprojekt 6 AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.11.2023
TAIS-Technology Affordances for Interactive Surfaces AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2015
smart Environments ICT AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.05.2017
Lernort Bibliothek: Bibliotheksservice digital und real AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.06.2015
Omnipresent AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.09.2012
Blended Library - Library of the Future FB Informatik und Informationswissenschaft
IT-Dienste Verwaltungsprozesse
AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
AG Scholl (Database and Information Systems)
AG Grossniklaus (Database and Information Systems)
since 31.12.2015
Ähnlichkeitssuche in digitalen Bildbeständen (DASTi) AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2010
HR Lab and Interaction Lab FB Informatik und Informationswissenschaft
AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.10.2012
A Simulation-Driven Approach to User Interface Specification based on a Multiscale Visual Workspace for Supporting Collaborative Creativity AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 30.06.2012
Design and Evaluation of Multi Modal Knowledge Work Environments AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.03.2010
Tokens - neue Wege begreifbarer Mensch-Computer Interaktion AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 26.02.2010
MedioVis 2.0 AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 24.12.2010
inteHRDis - Interaction Techniques for High Resolution Displays FB Informatik und Informationswissenschaft
AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2011
Aufbau einer netzwerkbasierten Usability Informationsplattform für Unternehmen der Region Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2006
BEST - Business Excellence in Software Usability and Design AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2008
Blended Interaction Design AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
Cross Device Interaction AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
eLmuse AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
Holistic Workspace AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
Inspector AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
INSYDER AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
INVISIP AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
MedioVis AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
MORE AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
permaedia AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
PocketBee AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
RESPECT AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
Squidy AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
USER AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
VisMeB AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100
ZOIL AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
since 31.12.2100