WS 2022/2023

Name Titel Supervisor
Samuel Moritz Beck Leveraging Path Structures in NP-hard Graphs Problems Prof. Dr. Sabine Storandt
Eren Cakmak Multiscale Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Maximilian Dürr Design and Evaluation of 'Post-WIMP' Systems to Promote the Ergonomic Transfer  Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Mennatallah El-Assady Levels of Explainability for Human-AI Interaction in Visual Text Analytics Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Martin Kölbl Causal Analysis and Repair of Systems Prof. Dr. Stefan Leue
Leichen Wang Al-based sensor fusion for perception in autonomous vehicles Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke


SS 2022

Name Titel Supervisor
Johannes Blum A Paremeterized View on Transportation Networks: Algorithms, Hierarchy, and Complexity Prof. Dr. Sabine Storandt
Michael Brendle Memory Footprint Reduction of Cloud Databases with Automated Physical Database Design Prof. Dr. Michael Grossniklaus
Franz Götz-Hahn Video Quality Assessment in-the-wild Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Hui Men Boosting for Visual Quality Assessment with Applications for Frame Interpolation Methods Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Till Niese Desription and Abstraction of Geometric Shapes, Natural Objects, and whole Landscapes Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Felix Petersen Learning with Differentiable Algorithms Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Martin Schall Multi-Dimensional Connectionist Classification: Segmentation-Free Handwriting Recognition Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim


WS 2021/2022

Name Titel Supervisor
Felix Hamborg Towards Automated Frame Analysis: Natural Language Processing Techniques to Reveal Media Bias in News Articles Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp
Ole Johannsen Variational 3D Reconstruction of Non-Lambertian Scenes Using Light Fields Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke
Matthias Kraus Assessing the Applicability of Virtual Reality for Data Visualization Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Daniel Seebacher Visual Analytics of Spatial Events: Methods for the Interactive Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data Abstractions Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim


SS 2021

Name Titel Supervisor
Jochen Görtler Quantitative Methods for Uncertainty Visualization Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Dirk Streeb Human Reasoning in Visualization and Visual Analytics Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim


WS 2020/2021

Name Titel Supervisor
Michael Blumenschein Pattern-Driven Design of Visualizations for High-Dimensional Data Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Christoph Doell Methods for Multivariate Time-Series Classification on Brain Data Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Borgelt
Norman Meuschke Analyzing Non-Textual Content Elements to Detect Academic Plagiarism Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp


SS 2020

Name Titel Supervisor
Oliver Sampson Widened Machine Learning with Application to Bayesian Networks Prof. Dr. Michael Berthold
Antonin Sulc Light Field Analysis for Non-Lambertian Scenes Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke
Patrick Winter Deep Learning als Virtual-High-Throughput- Screening-Methode unter Verwendung von gerasterten Molekülstrukturen Priv-Doz. Dr. Christian Borgelt


WS 2019/2020

Name Titel Supervisor
Anna Alperovich Variational and Deep Learning Approaches for Intrinsic Light Field Decomposition Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke
Sara Colella Positive Spillover Effect in Attention Dynamics Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Jens Spinner Channel Coding for Flash Memories Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Manuel Stein Visual Analytics for Cooperative and Competitive Behavior in Team Sports Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Yunlong Wang Designing Digital Health Interventions for Sedentary Behavior Change Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer


SS 2019

Name Titel Supervisor
Duan Le A Model-Based Pose Estimation Framework: From Single Insects To Multiple Hands Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Alexander Fillbrunn Effektives Widening mit Hashbasierter Partitionierung des Hypothesenraums Prof. Dr. Michael Berthold
Violeta Nikolaeva Ivanova-Rohling Communication-less Strategies for Widening Prof. Dr. Michael Berthold
Pascal Laube Machine Learning Methods for Reverse Engineering of Defective Structured Surfaces Prof. Dr. Georg Umlauf


WS 2018/2019

Name Titel Supervisor
Mohsen Jenadeleh Blind Image and Video Quality Assessment Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Thomas Lindemeier e-David: Non-Photorealistic Rendering using a Robot and Visual Feedback Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Marc Spicker Quantitative Models for Visual Abstraction Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Florian Stoffel Transparency in Interactive Feature-based Machine Learning: Challenges and Solutions Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Stefan Wolf Applications of Optimal Control to Road Cycling Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe


SS 2018

Name Titel Supervisor
Abdalla Gafaar Merghani Ahmed Grid-Based Techniques for Semi-Stochastic Sampling Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Jan Christoph Athenstädt Reconstruction and Visualization of Archaeological Networks Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Simon Butscher Reality-based Idioms: Designing Interfaces for Visual Data Analysis that Provide the Means for Familiar Interaction Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Markus Glaser Soziale Aspekte von Privatsphären Eine Untersuchung zum Umgang von Peers mit personenbezogenen Angaben im Social Web Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Eugenia Holm Optimierungsprobleme mit Cliquen und Bicliquen in Graphen Dr. Andreas Karrenbauer
Julian Kratt Geometric Shape Abstraction and Simplification Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Jens Müller Collaborative Augmented Reality: Designing for Co-located and Distributed Spatial Activities Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Dominik Sacha Knowledge Generation in Visual Analytics Integrating Human and Machine Intelligence for Exploration of Big Data Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim
Mereke van Garderen Pictures of the past Visualization and visual analysis in archaeological context Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes


WS 2017 /2018

Fernando Benites de Azevedo e SouzaMulti-label Classification with Multiple Class OntologiesDr. Elena Sapozhnikova
Dominik JäckleProjections for Visual Analysis of Multivariate Data: Methods for Identification, Interpretation, and Navigation of PatternsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Mark OrtmannCombinatorial Algorithms for Graph SparsificationProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes

SS 2017

Immanuel Volker Thomas BayerPredictive Modeling of Relational DataProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Daniel KaiserEfficient Privacy-Preserving Configurationless Service Discovery Supporting Multi-Link NetworksProf. Dr. Marcel Waldvogel
Hansi Vihara SenaratneUncertainty-aware Visual Analytics for Spatio-temporal Data ExplorationProf. Dr. Tobias Schreck

WS 2016/2017

Elisabeth StühlerRefining and Developing Features Describing Dementia-related Changes in Structural and Functional ImagingProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Mehwish NasimInferring Social Relations from Online and Communication NetworksProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Roman RädleDesigning UbiComp Experiences for Spatial Navigation and Cross-Device InteractionsProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Igor ZingmanSemi-Automated Detection of Fragmented Rectangular Structures in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images with Application in ArchaeologyProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Michael BehrischVisual Analytic Methods for Exploring Large Amounts of Relational Data with Matrix-based RepresentationsProf. Dr. Tobias Schreck

SS 2016

Thorsten DahmenModeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Pacing Strategies for Road Cycling on Realistic TracksProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Ferdinand EisenkeilComputer Graphics Support in Head-Mounted Displays for Helicopter GuidanceProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen 
Fabian FischerVisual Analytics for Situational Awareness in Cyber SecurityProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Juan Carlos Quintana DuqueNon-linear methods for the quantification of cyclic motionProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe

WS 2015 / 2016

David SchochA Positional Approach for Network CentralityProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Sebastian MittelstädtMethods for Effective Color Encoding and the Compensation of Contrast EffectsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Johannes FuchsGlyph Design for Temporal and Multi-Dimensional Data: Design Considerations and EvaluationProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Arlind NocajUntangling Networks Focus on Less to See MoreProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes

SS 2015

Halldór JanetzkoEnhancements for Visualizing Temporal and Geospatial DatasetsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Svenja SimonVisual Analysis of RNAseq Data Discovering Genes in BacteriaProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Tobias SchwarzHolistic Workspace - Gestaltung von realitätsbasierten Interaktions- und Visualisierungskonzepten im Kontext von LeitwartenProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer

WS 2014 / 2015

Martin Tobias StrauchColumn Subset Selection with Applicatiions to Neuroimaging DataProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Florian Josef Leitner-FischerCausality Checking of Safety-Critical Software and SystemsProf. Dr. Stefan Leue
Thomas ZinkNetwork Traffic Exposed and ConcealedProf. Dr. Marcel Waldvogel
Nafees Ur RehmanExtending the OLAP Technology for Social Media AnalysisProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

SS 2014

Sebastian PeterMustergraphen: Klassifikation von multivariaten Zeitreihen auf Basis von IntervallsequenzenProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Martin HornAktive SegmentierungProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Martin Julius MaderDrawing Dynamic Graphs by Stress MinimizationProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Matthias Jörg SchäferVisual Analytics for Improving Exploration and Projection of Multi-Dimensional DataProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Milos KrstajicVisual Analytics of Temporal Event Sequences in News StreamsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Kongfeng ZhuNo-reference Video Quality Assessment and ApplicationsProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Marc Yves Maria KramisEvolutionary Tree-Structured Storage: Concepts, Interfaces, and ApplicationsProf. Dr. Marcel Waldvogel

WS 2013/2014

Bobo NickToward a Better Understanding of Evolving Social Networks Ties, Triads, and TimeProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Natalie IndlekoferMethods for Diagnosis and Interpretation of Stochastic Actor-oriented Models for Dynamic NetworksProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Sören PirkEfficient Processing of Plant Life in Computer GraphicsProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Daniel HeckSpatial and Spectral Methods for Irregular Sampling in Computer GraphicsProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Christian Thomas RohrdantzVisual Analytics of Change in Natural LanguageProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Florian GeyerInteractive Spaces for Supporting Embodied Collaborative Design PracticesProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Sebastian GrafFlexible Secure Cloud StorageProf. Dr. Marcel Waldvogel

SS 2013

Andrada TatuVisual Analytics of Patterns in High-Dimensional DataProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Andreas StoffelDocument Structure Analysis for Large Electronic Document CollectionsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim

WS 2012 / 2013


Hendrik Strobelt

Visualization of Large Document CorporaProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Thomas SchlömerNon-Periodic Corner Tilings in Computer GraphicsProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Hans-Christian JetterDesign and Implementation of Post-WIMP Interactive Spaces with the ZOIL ParadigmProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Junaid Jameel AhmadSecure Computing with the MPEG RVC FrameworkProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe

SS 2012


Melanie Baur

Combinatorial Concepts and Algorithms for Drawing Planar GraphsProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Boris NeubertComputer Graphics and Nature Simulation-based and Probabilistic Methods for Image- and Sketch-based Modeling and Advanced Stochastic PruningProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Mathias HeiligExploring Reality-Based User Interfaces for Collaborative Information SeekingProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Alexander HolupirekDeclarative Access to Filesystem Data New application domains for XML database management systemsProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

WS 2011 / 2012


Tobias Kötter

Konzepterkennung in InformationsnetzwerkenProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Kilian ThielKnotenähnlichkeiten aus AktivierungsausbreitungenProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Uwe NagelAnalysis of Network EnsemblesProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Vachislav KisilevichAnalysis of user generated spatio-temporal data: Learning from collections of geotagged photosProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Jens GerkenLongitudinal Research in Human- Computer InteractionProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Frederik Henri GundelsweilerDesign Patterns zur Unterstützung der Gestaltung von interaktiven, skalierbaren BenutzungsschnittstellenProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Mahsa JenabiPrIME Primitive Interaction Tasks for Multi-Display EnvironmentsProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer

SS 2011

Barbara PampelConstrained Graph Drawing                                                                           Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes

WS 2010 / 2011

Hendrik Sebastian ZiezoldSituative Karten Orientierung, Exploration und Navigation mit spezialisierbaren KartenProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Christian GrünStoring and Querying Large XML InstancesProf. Dr. Marc Scholl
Stefan KlingerPathfinder - Full Text or Extending a Purely Relational XQUERY Compiler with a Scoring Infrastructure for XQUERY FULL TEXTProf. Dr. Marc Scholl
Muhammad Arshad IslamEvaluation and Innovation in Opportunistic NetworksProf. Dr. Marcel Waldvogel

SS 2010


Thomas Gabriel

Lernen hierarchischer Fuzzy- RegelmodelleProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Thorsten MeinlMaximum-Score Diversity SelectionProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Daniela OelkeVisual Document Analysis: Towards a Semantic Analysis of Large Document CollectionsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Alexander WartaKollaboratives Wissensmanagement in Unternehmen Indikatoren für Erfolg und Akzeptanz am Beispiel von WikisProf. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Werner KönigDesign and evaluation of novel input devices and interaction techniques for large, high-resolution displaysProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer

WS 2009 / 2010

Joachim BöttgerComplex-Logarithmic Views and Map WarpingProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Thomas LuftReproduction and Application of Stylistic Means in Non-Photorealistic Computer GraphicsProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Husain AljazzarDirected Diagnostics of System Dependability ModelsProf. Dr. Stefan Leue
Ramez AlkhatibCompact Storage for Efficient Management of XML DocumentsProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

SS 2009

Christian PichApplications of Multidimensional Scaling to Graph DrawingProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Michael BalzerCapacity-Constrained Voronoi Tessellations: Computation and ApplicationsProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Thomas MemmelUser Interface Specification for Interactive Software Systems Process-, Method- and Tool-Support for Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Requirements Modelling and Prototyping- Driven User Interface SpecificationProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer

WS 2008 / 2009

Bernd WiswedelLernen in Parallelen UniversenProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Johannes Peter KopfEfficient Methods for Tile-Based Synthesis and Computational PhotographyProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Ioan ClejuTexture Registration for 3D ModelsProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe

SS 2008

Nicolas CebronAktives Lernen zur Klassifikation großer Datenmengen mittels Exploration und SpezialisierungProf. Dr. Michael Berthold
Liviu Marius CoconuEnhanced Visualization of Landscapes and Environmental Data with Three-Dimensional SketchesProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Shakeel AhmadOptimized Network-Adaptive Multimedia Transmission over Packet Erasure ChannelsPD Dr. Raouf Hamzaoui
Florian MansmannVisual Analysis of Network Traffic - Interactive Monitoring, Detection, and Interpretation of Security ThreatsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Svetlana MansmannExtending the OLAP Technology to Handle Non-Conventional and Complex DataProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

WS 2007 / 2008

Daniel FleischerTheory and Applications of the LaplacianProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Jürgen LernerStructural Similarity of Vertices in NetworksProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Carsten ColditzAufbereitung, Handhabung und Darstellung komplexer Daten auf dem Gebiet der interaktiven LandschaftsvisualisierungProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Wei WeiIncomplete Property Checking for Asynchronous Reactive SystemsProf. Dr. Stefan Leue

SS 2007

Martin HoeferCost Sharing and Clustering under Distributed CompetitionProf. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Monssef AlsweisLeistungsfähige Verfahren zur Simulation und Darstellung von Pflanzenkonkurrenz und Umweltfaktoren für die ComputergrafikProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Martin RöderEfficient Rate-Distortion Optimized Media StreamingPD Dr. Raouf Hamzaoui
Jörn SchneidewindScalable Visual Analytics Solutions and Techniques for Business ApplicationsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Thorsten BüringZoomable User Interfaces on Small Screens Presentation & Interaction Design for Pen-Operated Mobile DevicesProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Tilo OchottaSurface Approximation with Elevation Maps and Observations Thinning in Numerical Weather PredictionProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Mauro Roberto RuggeriGeodesics for Point Based Model ProcessingProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Sherif Aly Ahmed SakrCardinality- Aware and @k<Purely> Relational Implementation of an XQuery ProcessorProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

WS 2006 / 2007

Benjamin Eugenio Bustos CardenasIndex Structures for Similarity Search in Multimedia DatabasesProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Tobias SchreckEffective Retrieval and Visual Analysis in Multimedia DatabasesProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Joachim GriesbaumMehrwerte des Kollaborativen Wissensmanagements in der Hochschullehre - Integration asynchroner netzwerkbasierter Szenarien des CSCL in der Ausbildung der Informationswissenschaft im Rahmen des K3-ProjektsProf. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen

SS 2006

Stefan HillerInteraktive und automatische Verfahren zur Objektanordnung in der ComputergrafikProf. Dr. Oliver Deussen
Peter MeierVisualisierung von Kommunikationsstrukturen für kollaboratives Wissensmanagement in der LehreProf. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Jürgen ToelkeOptimierungsverfahren zur Isoflächen-Extraktion in der wissenschaftlichen VisualisierungProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe

WS 2005 / 2006

Frank MüllerGranularity Based Multiple Coordinated Views to Improve the Information Seeking ProcessProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer

SS 2005

Mike SipsPixel-based Visual Data Mining in Large Geo-Spatial Point SetsProf. Dr. Daniel Keim
Peter KleinThe CircleSegmentView: A User Centered, Meta-data Driven Approach for Visual Query and FilteringProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Uwe GraichenRekonstruktion der Koronar-Anatomie mittels digitaler Bildverarbeitung von EchokardiogrammenProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
André SeifertEfficient and Consistent Transaction Processing in Wireless Data Broadcast EnvironmentsProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

WS 2004 / 2005


Christian Panse

Visualizing Geo-Related Data Using Cartograms                                                                                   Prof. Dr. Daniel Keim

SS 2004

Youssef CharfiEfficient Error Protection for Image and Video Transmission over Noisy ChannelsProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Ivan KopilovicProgressiveness and Preprocessing in Image CompressionProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe

SS 2003

Thomas ArnoldComputergestützte Befundung klinischer ElektroenzephalogrammeProf. Dr. Dietmar Saupe

SS 2002

Fábio Ghignatti BeckenkampA Component Architecture for Artificial Neural Network SystemsProf. Dr. Wolfgang Pree
Gabriela MußlerRetrieving Business Information from the WWWProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer

WS 2001 / 2002

Ingrid HoschInvestigation of the Critical Factors of Success in Telepathology - an International Comparison StudyProf. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Jochen WaltertElektronische Kommunikationsforen als Element des Wissensmanagements Eine Fallstudie bei genossenschaftlichen FilialbankenProf. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Frank ZimmermannKonzeptentwicklung für einen elektronischen Marktplatz der Marke Mercedes-Benz im Jahr 2005Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Egbert AlthammerReflection Patterns in the Context of Object and Component TechnologyProf. Dr. Wolfgang Pree
Thomas MannVisualization of Search Results from the World Wide WebProf. Dr. Harald Reiterer
Dieter GlucheUpdate-Propagierung in objektorientierten Datenbanksystemen mit physischer DatenunabhängigkeitProf. Dr. Marc Scholl

SS 2001

Wolfgang SemarEine empirische Studie über die Auswirkungen elektronischer Märkte für eine Region - am Beispiel der Stadt PfullendorfProf. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen
Alessandro PasettiA Software Framework for Satellite Control Systems Methodology and DevelopmentProf. Dr. Wolfgang Pree

SS 2000

Mohsen ShafaeiPrototypische Realisierung eines hypertextbasierten Workflow-Management-Systems auf Basis des Konstanzer Hypertextsystems KHS

Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen

Annegret Liebers

Analyzing Train Time Table Graphs

Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner

WS 1999 / 2000

Dagmar HandkeGraphs with Distance Guarantees                                                                                   Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner